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Hey friends, 

I recently sent out a newsletter update (via email) on what January looked like. January was incredible, and I feel very thankful for all the support I received from my co-workers, financial supporters, prayer team, and everyone who encouraged me along the way. (P.S. if you are not added to my newsletters and would like to be, then drop your email in the comments.) 

For real….I am so thankful to God.

Thankfulness is the key to a-lot. 

Scripture says with prayer and petition AND with Thanksgiving make your requests known to God. I think the Thanksgiving part is absolutely crucial. Here’s why:

If we are not thankful to God, then we are not aligned with His heart. Because, as the believer, we ALWAYS have a reason to be thankful to Him. Do we actually believe that He is who He says He is? Then we will give thanks. 

This is a hard truth for me because I tend to be a “realist.” For example, if I am having a bad day, then I’m not gonna pretend that I’m having a good day and say something just for the sake of saying it. Because that would be fake. And I hate being fake (or being perceived that way. Oof. I digress) 

But here’s the thing, In giving thanks, God is not asking us to be fake. He’s asking us to humble ourselves and recognize who He is. He is above all things. He is a sustainer. He is a provider. He does everything at the perfect time. 


I will not shove down my feelings to say “God is good”.

I will wrestle with the Holy Spirit and remind my soul “God is good”. 


There’s always something to be thankful for. 


I want to challenge you today, reader and friend, to take on the posture of thanksgiving. Purposefully take the next 5 min and write a list of things you are thankful for specifically today. 

It doesn’t have to be perfect, But it’s worth it to be intentional in giving thanks. I will do the same and we can even share our lists if we want. 


Peace & Joy, 



PS. Below is the link to my GO TO JAM pretty much this whole month. (hints the title) 

Deep End by LECRAE