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Perhaps it’s been freezing cold and rainy where you are too. 

Perhaps you’ve also kind of been letting it get to you, and you look at the cloudy sky and think “same.” 

Perhaps you’ve been GOING GOING GOING and if you were honest with yourself and paused to think for sec….you realize that you could actually use a good cry. or maybe a hug. or maybe a cup of hot tea. or maybe all of those things together. 

Perhaps I’m saying “perhaps” too much; to tell you all that I’ve been in this state as of late. 

Well guess what? If you’re reading this than this is your sign to take a deep breath. (Or maybe it’s not a “sign” and i’m just telling you to do it.) Go on, do it. Matter fact, take several. And remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood.

And you don’t have to keep striving.

In fact, you don’t have to strive at all!

And guess what? The sun came out today, FINALLY. And the Holy Spirit reminded me: “give thanks in ALL circumstances. I am the one that brings true, real, authentic, better than bevin LIFE TO THE FULLEST. You mustn’t worry. Rest in me.” 


So there ya go. 

